Dr. Kristie Dyson

Dr. Kristie Dyson

Dr. Kristie Dyson has been a vital part of Southern Crescent Women’s HealthCare since 2011, specializing in minimally invasive surgeries, including da Vinci® Surgical System procedures. Dr. Dyson graduated from Fisk University and earned her medical degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, completing her residency at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Passionate about patient-centric care, she aims to empower women and enhance their overall health, thriving in the collaborative team environment at her practice.


Fisk University-Bachelor’s degree

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine-Medical degree

Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center-Residency

Insurance Accepted

Dr. Kristie Dyson works with a variety of insurance plans and managed care programs. Because these affiliations can change, please verify her participation with your insurance provider or contact her office directly to verify.

The information on the BlackWell Atlanta website is for informational purposes only and does not offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Listings do not endorse providers. Visitors should research when choosing providers. For health concerns or specific medical advice, contact your healthcare provider.


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